Natural Disasters Support

We are dedicated to helping you support your people

At TELUS Health, we understand that natural disasters like cyclones, bushfires, floods and earthquakes can have a significant and ongoing impact on the health and wellbeing of your people.

Bad weather beach-1

Critical Incident Requests

Please contact us for any critical incidents support or bespoke requirements.

  • For Australia: dial 1300 360 364 and select option 3
  • For New Zealand: dial 0800 360 364

Natural disasters: bushfires, floods and earthquakes

Let us help

Natural disasters can have a major impact on our wellbeing and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed, afraid or unsafe.

If you or someone you know is struggling, our team is here to help.

  • For Australia: dial 1300 360 364
  • For New Zealand: dial 0800 360 364

Please refer to our support resources below for further assistance.

TELUS Health Employee Assistance Program

Counselling and support for employees and people leaders

Our EAP service for individuals and people leaders offers personal and confidential support for navigating your way through life, including receiving mental health support.

You can arrange to meet with a clinician face-to-face, via phone, SMS, video or online LiveChat.

To book an EAP appointment:

  • For Australia: dial 1300 360 364 and select option 1
  • For New Zealand: dial 0800 360 364
Two women speaking privately in an office

Critical Incident Management

Learn more about our services including Critical Incident Support

Find out more about Incident Management support and how to request this service.

  • Critical Incident Support
  • Grief Support
  • Change at Work
  • Planned Workplace Support

To request support for your team or organisation, please contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager or call us on (AUS) 1300 360 364 and select option 3 or (NZ) 0800 360 364 for Incident Management support.

Download and share resources

Our team are here to support you, your employees and their families during this difficult time and have put together a suite of support resources.
Please share our resources with your employees and people leaders to support anyone impacted by a natural disaster.

Factsheet: Supporting customers following a natural disaster

How we engage with distressed customers has a significant impact on our wellbeing, as well as theirs. Here's what to keep in mind when dealing with a customer in distress.

Factsheet: Making use of your EAP program when affected by a natural disaster

It can be surprising how much a major event or trauma can affect our everyday lives, even when we have not been directly impacted. Make use of your EAP program to receive the appropriate support you may need.

Factsheet: Helping employees affected by natural disasters

Exposure to critical incidents such as bushfires, flooding and earthquakes can often lead people to experience stress-induced reactions on an emotional and physical level. Reactions can range in intensity, with most gradually fading with time, social support and active self-care.

Factsheet: Supporting children affected by a natural disaster

Children can experience strong emotions during and after a natural disaster such as a major bushfire event, and they don't always know how to express and manage them. Here are some strategies to help your child feel reassured after a traumatic event.

Factsheet: Coping after a critical incident such as a natural disaster

Regardless of how serious the consequences of the incident are, people who are exposed to critical incidents will often experience some emotional and physical reactions to the stress of their experience.

Wallet Card: Critical Incidents

In the case of a critical or major event, you can access immediate care and support 24/7, 365 days a year.

Checklist: Critical incident report

What to do if a Critical Incident occurs

Flyer: Critical incident support

What to do if a Critical Incident occurs

Posters: Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters: Our support mapped out

Natural disaster support can be categorised into three distinct phases: immediate, short-term and long-term.

This guide explores how natural disasters impact individuals and maps our services against all three phases.
Understanding the impact natural disasters have on the health and wellbeing of your people

Three phases of natural disaster support

Battery image showing no charge
Immediate support
Up until one month after an event
Battery image showing it's a little charged
Short-term support
Up until one month after an event
Battery image showing it's mostly charged
Long-term support
Up until one month after an event

Available training seminar

Supporting teams through crisis

Natural disasters can have devastating effects not only on ourselves, physically and mentally, but also on those around us within our communities.

This session provides you with the tools to better support yourself and others following a natural disaster.

Learning outcomes:

  • Identify common reactions to natural disasters
  • Recognise trauma responses to a traumatic event
  • Learn strategies for building resilience to a natural disaster
  • Learn strategies to support others during and following a natural disaster
Training seminar image - two ladies talking
Audience: All employees
Format: Face-to-face or virtual
Duration: 1 hour
Number of participants
Face-to-face: up to 25
Virtual: up to 1000
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If you are injured or in immediate danger, please contact your local emergency services.