
Balancing the health benefits needs of a multigenerational workforce

PDF snapshot showing a diverse group of employees from different generations collaborating, with the title 'balancing the health benefits needs of a multigenerational workforce'.

Today's multigenerational workforce means employees span a range of life stages: from paying off student loans to caring for elderly parents to contemplating retirement. These differences can make it challenging for organizations to address the varied needs of people of all ages.

Having multiple generations working side-by-side can be a competitive edge for employers by positioning them to create strong, innovative teams rich with diverse thought, experience and expertise. And by fostering an engaging, inclusive environment with a collaborative multigenerational workforce, employers are more apt to attract qualified, skilled talent – from all age groups.

Download our ebook to explore the generational differences between today’s employees, and how employers can help build and sustain an engaged, productive workforce with flexible health benefits plans.

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