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The effects of positivity on brain health

The relationship between our thoughts and brain chemistry is influenced by many factors, as every thought releases chemicals in our brain. These neurochemicals have the power to influence physical symptoms in our body. Sad, angry, and hopeless thoughts result in the brain releasing chemicals that negatively affect how our body functions and feels. Conversely, happy, hopeful, and positive thoughts allow the brain to release a very different set of chemicals which have a calming and healthy effect on the body.

Explore more about the effects of positive and negative thinking, and consider applying practical strategies offered here on how to break negative thought patterns and practice positivity.

Positivity in action

By practising positivity—positive thinking—we not only train ourselves to be happier and more resilient, but we can also rewire the brain. The study of neuroplasticity shows that how we think and behave alters the structure of the brain and that every positive thought will reinforce a new neural pathway that will eventually become automatic.


Neuroplasticity refers to the brains ability to change, reorganize, or grow neural networks. We change our brains every day without even realizing it. Every habit and each skill that you learn, causes your brain to strengthen certain connections and weaken others. Our environment, habits, emotions, behaviors, and thoughts all have an impact on our brain.

Neuroplasticity makes the brain resilient because our brains learn, adapt, and grow based on our actions and experiences. The brain’s neuroplasticity is what makes all permanent learning possible—for example, when you learn to play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language. Neuroplasticity is ongoing throughout life and it’s also how we overcome and potentially recover from medical issues, such as a stroke or other brain injury, depression, and many other illnesses.

What negative thinking and worry do to the brain

As humans, we naturally focus on the negative—we are hardwired this way to keep ourselves safe from threats. In fact, when confronted with negativity or a potential threat, our brains activate more intensely than they do when an equally intense good or positive situation presents itself.

Interestingly, even just thinking about negativity activates the same parts in the brain as a real active threat to our safety or wellbeing. And while a negative thought or situation can “stick” in our brains after a split second, it takes 10 or more seconds of focusing on a positive thought for our brain to translate that positivity from our active memory to short-term memory and eventually to long-term memory.

Persistent negative self-talk can result in a pessimistic outlook which can eventually distort perceptions of reality. There are also physical, emotional, and behavioural symptoms typically associated with negative thinking and worry:

Physical symptoms

  • muscle tension and muscle pain
  • headaches
  • digestive problems
  • chest pain
  • reduced libido or sex drive
  • sleep problems
  • fatigue

Emotional symptoms

  • anxiety
  • mood changes
  • restlessness
  • irritability and anger
  • depression or sadness
  • lack of focus or motivation

Behavioural symptoms

  • changes in appetite (either over- or undereating)
  • abuse of alcohol and/or drugs
  • social withdrawal
  • outbursts of anger
  • tobacco/nicotine use

Although it’s necessary for our brains to let us know when we are in danger or there is a threat, we need to be careful not to let negative thoughts take over our lives. The more our thought patterns tend to be negative, the easier it becomes to return to these automatic negative thought patterns. In fact, rumination (constantly turning over a situation in one’s mind and focusing on its negative aspects) can damage structures and connections in the brain that regulate emotions, memory, and feelings. As we focus more on the negative, over time, it becomes more difficult to create positive memories.

The benefits of positive thinking

Not only is positive thinking a helpful way to reduce automatic negative reactions, but there are also many physical and emotional health benefits associated with thinking positively. Positive thoughts and happy feelings decrease the stress hormone, cortisol, and the brain produces serotonin, creating a feeling of wellbeing.

The physical health benefits of positive thinking can help:

  • boost your immune system
  • improve heart health
  • improve digestion
  • improve quality of sleep
  • reduce or prevent hypertension
  • lower stress levels
  • boost resilience

As you increase your positive thinking, you’ll feel healthier in general, which can empower and motivate you to increase your healthy habits.

The emotional health benefits of positive thinking can help you:

  • handle problems more effectively
  • enjoy your life more
  • develop positive habits
  • boost your self-esteem
  • form healthy, positive relationships more easily (It’s easier to see the good in others when you’re looking at your world through a positive lens.)

How to change negative thoughts and think more positively

For individuals struggling with depression, the following tips won’t necessarily substitute for professional treatment, but they can work when done together with healthy nutrition, exercise, therapy and/or medication to help you feel better. Small changes can go a long way. Choose one area to focus on and see how you feel. Incorporate other ideas slowly and realistically as they fit your situation.

Focus on self-care. This includes brain healthy habits such as exercise, healthy eating, prioritizing sleep and challenging any negative thoughts. Self-care also means being kind to yourself.

Spend time outdoors. Being in nature generates increased feelings of calmness, joy, and positivity. It lowers stress levels and improves feelings of depression and anxiety. Even ten minutes a day can positively affect your day.

Engage in an activity that fully occupies the mind, such as doing a crossword or a jigsaw puzzle. This can be helpful in breaking out of ruminative thought patterns.

Practise mindfulness or meditation. Focusing on the here and now and being present is a valuable way to change negative thought patterns and brain activity. Meditating regularly can help shift negative thought patterns, help the brain focus, and even slow the loss of brain cells.

Practise Yoga. Like meditation, yoga helps make you more aware of your own self-talk. Being aware of negative self-talk prompts you to make a change.

Consciously replace your thoughts. Make it a point to change your negative thinking by replacing a negative thought with a positive one.

Smile. It has been proven to improve your mood and thought patterns. Smiling sends positive thoughts to the brain.

Sing. Singing has been scientifically proven to fight depression and boost one’s mood.

Make a list of your worries to get them out of your head. Then make another list of things you feel positive or grateful for. By doing this, you concentrate on the positive and reduce focus on the negative worries.

Learn how to avoid nutritional deficiencies. Speak with a health practitioner about common nutrient deficiencies that are associated with brain health.

Write in a gratitude journal. Keeping a gratitude journal can help increase psychological wellbeing.

Read something positive. Doing so can boost your mood and give you a mental break.

Be around positive thinkers. Your attitude will tend to follow that of your friends.

Help someone else solve a problem. Helping someone else can bring you a sense of accomplishment and help you gain a new perspective on your own problems.

It’s tough to start, but as you work at intentionally taking steps toward building stronger connections between positive thinking and challenges, you’ll be on your way to a more positive outlook.