A field with crops

Join our Horticulture Safety Group

In addition to helping you save on CNESST fees, you can benefit from our expertise. 1 With TELUS Health, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) can be simple.

  • Reserved exclusively for horticultural employers, over 400 companies are already members
  • 92% satisfaction rate among service users2
  • Experienced and committed team, available in all regions of Quebec
  • Exclusive access to video content, turnkey OHS tools and support documents
  • Over 40 online OHS training courses included


1. In addition to a potential reduction in premiums linked to the performance of a safety group, effective health and safety management in the workplace can lead to a reduction in indirect costs due to work-related accidents or illnesses.


2. Based on internal data: LifeWorks governance surveys of our clients conducted throughout 2022.

Only available in Quebec

A field with crops
A man and a woman standing in a greenhouse looking at a laptop

Horticulture Safety Group

Saves on CNESST fees.3

  • Additional discounts for eligible members
  • Content also offered in Spanish to suit your needs
  • 50% discount on prevention outsourcing services


3. In addition to a potential reduction in premiums linked to a mutual's performance, good occupational health and safety management can lead to a reduction in indirect costs attributable to work-related accidents or illnesses.


target savings on CNESST contributions.4


4. Under the mutual's long-term index.

Horticulture Safety Group

Saves on CNESST fees.3

  • Additional discounts for eligible members
  • Content also offered in Spanish to suit your needs
  • 50% discount on prevention outsourcing services


target savings on CNESST contributions.4


3. In addition to a potential reduction in premiums linked to a mutual's performance, good occupational health and safety management can lead to a reduction in indirect costs attributable to work-related accidents or illnesses.


4. Under the mutual's long-term index.

Why choose a TELUS Health safety group?

TELUS Health Safety Groups help organizations achieve an occupational health and safety level that reflects the members’ commitment to safety, as well as to ‌ increase profitability and reduce premiums. Our team manages mutual groups representing around 10,000 organizations in Quebec. This volume of business allows us to offer attractive rates. In fact, nearly 30% of all safety group companies in Quebec now rely on TELUS Health for support.5

Download the brochure


5. Based on CNESST "Service du soutien aux employeurs et aux mutuelles de prévention" annual information meeting 28-03-2023.